
GIVE 03 | in this lifetime of waiting

Oh man has this been in my drafts for the longest time.

honestly I'm not really sure what to say, or where to start, or anything.  I haven't felt all inspiring like i did with the last GIVE post I wrote. maybe I'm lacking motivation..or time..or SOMETHING.

i don't know. i don't know a lot of things. 

what's in store for me? am i for sure called to missions? will i ever really make a difference in this huge world? do i need to study more? maybe travel until i find the right place? 

no one knows anything for sure. (i don't even know where i'm going with this yet)

God does!!! *breath of relief* 

I've been feeling uncertain about things here recently. Tired of the same old same old. I know I want to be a missionary and all, but waiting on the details is so hard. I feel like maybe I've been trying to take things into my own hands, researching the best volunteer stuff, etc etc. 
I'm coming to realize that I really just need to relax and wait. It's not up to me to make sure I'll be completely ready (i won't really ever be) It's not up to me to find the right program, etc. All of that will happen perfectly in His time. GOD will bring the right programs to my attention, GOD will know when I'm ready, and so on! Isn't that amazing?
and while I'm waiting, I'll praise Him. And serve Him. Because really, we're all simply waiting for one thing. dancing with our Savior. being in His presence. singing with the angels. 

God is revealing Himself to me- to all of us, slowly. And it'll be on the judgement day that it is all completed. 

so right now, I encourage you to 1) never stop searching + seeking. 2) start conversations that actually matter, it is so very refreshing. 3) try your hardest with everything you do and never give up.

What's something you feel like you're 'waiting' on?


morning rain

i'm afraid i love raindrops way too much. xx


snapshots of late

sweet theodore <333

loveeee this!! <333