
Micah's 1 month session!

: these pictures are supposed to be funny and relatable, comment what you think! :

FIRST SNOW || uh guys, why is it spring?

Okay, so it snowed like, 2 weeks ago, (it melted the next day) and I forgot to post about it. But now, today it feels like spring! Like whhaaattt? I mean, IT'S DEC. 27TH! NOT EVEN JANUARY, AND IT IS SPRING YA'LL! I know, most of you are probably so jealous, but I just wanted to go sledding, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? 😭
So I'll post some pics of the snow, then some pics (that I'm in love with) of me with Micah out enjoying the sun!
And btw, I'm gonna try to post Micah's 1 month pictures soon (don't worry, I got them a month ago! 😕😞😔)  they are all on the camera, and our computer is having some problems, so I can't upload them. Sorry it's taking so long ya'll.
And another thing. I had to take pictures (with mom's phone) of the pictures on the camera, so they don't have that much clarity out sharpness.
What happened? 

Micah all ready to go outside! 

So those are the pictures that I had Elias take, and I ended up loving them! I simply adore the last collage!
I took pictures of Micah's one month pictures and just finished editing them, so I'll be getting to work on that post! Again, they are copied from the camera so they don't have a lot of clarity, I did my best though!



I'm so terribly excited to start selling these! It's a hat with an elastic hole on top, so you can have your hair in a pony tail or a bun while wearing your [awesome] hat!
25% of the profit all goes to helping people!
I do have one problem with the pattern. It's not that big of a problem, but I'd still like to correct it. And anyone who crochets can hopefully understand what I'm talking about, and be able to give me some advice!
So for the hat I am basically double crocheting (dc) all around. Then I connect it to the start of the last round that I started. I then chain 2, and start double crocheting all over again! When it is done (and while I'm making it) it turned out to have a little curve to the one side of it.  (I really hope I'm making sense! 😐) I hope that one of you can think of what I might be doing wrong! I'd really appreciate any suggestions, on anything really! Please comment and tell me what you think!
I'll add a picture of the curve thingy  on the hat.
And if you want one then just comment and I'll figure stuff out with you! I'm so excited! 😃😊

See, it's not that big. But I was wondering why it makes a "v" line where I connect it,  instead of being straight. 😕😦

Did I already mention that I'M. SO. EXCITED. 😃😃😃


Photography contest week 4

So this is week 4 of my friends photography contest! I would enter two pictures, but only got this one. The topic is Christmas. This week was much harder cause we don't celebrate Christmas. :l But then one day me and my sister were at Walmart getting some stuff, and they had a big Christmas tree so I grabbed Ashley's phone and went to snap a picture of it! I thought it'd be pretty easy getting the right angle and all, but it wasn't. :l After a couple minutes I decided this picture was good enough! ⬇


things to be thankful for

Elephant boots fitting Micah perfectly


MEETING TASHIA AND HEATHER! (this was a huge highlight in my month! )
These girls are so sweet! 

A precious gift from someone

Morning snuggles with these cuties😊

Our cozy fire place

Dylan turning 17! 

These sugar free berry crunch bars
(ok,so I made them for mom, but then she didn't like them so I got to eat them all...)😄

I'm thankful for the cuteness of this picture...lol!

| yumminess | 
-going out to eat with Dad and Mom
-making chocolate chip cookies
And btw, go look at Tashia and Heathers blog-
Tashia's: joyfullyliving4jesus.blogspot.com
Heather's: trustingyoulord.blogspot.com


Photography contest!

This is week 3 of the photography contest! So here's my picture! (Bernie,I couldn't get a picture to send through email, so here it is! )

The weather was mostly dull and cold. And windy. Not very much fun! These aren't pictures from recent, but describe what the weather has been like. Can't wait to see the results!

And if any of ya'll want to enter a picture in next week's thing, this is her blog! :uniquelyyou1.blogspot.com


Changed for the better!!

We are now all settled in to the new, "baby life"! I can't believe he is already 5 weeks old!! And to think, that we are going to take care of him, until however old it'll be when he mostly takes care of himself! And it's crazy how a tiny little baby, can come and change your life, just like that! (for the better too!) I love him sooo much!! <3

  and his one month pictures are coming soon!


Bucket list || stargaze on a roof

It has been on my bucket list to stargaze on a roof. So last night me and Josh decided to do it! It was great! There aren't any pics of the stars, cause my camera just doesn't like taking pictures of stars! :l We looked at the stars for a minute or two, than started goofing off and taking pictures! Besides, I look at the stars every night! (I LOVE STARS!)
Get ready for the craziness of what I'm really like..........

I tried and tried to get a picture of his breath....

....but we usually just ended up laughing our heads off!!

Looking at the stars
Then we decided to be dorks!! :p

The static was really bad!

It was a great night!!!! :) **