
January wrap up//random life// bogging IS hard...

This month was awesome, just literally awesome! I loved a lot of this whole month! 
Violin hasn't been the best, but still pretty good. I know I'm progressing, but it just seems slow. We have a lesson in a week, so I'm really hoping that goes well! 

Talking with my bestie<3
Getting a new horse 
Growing in my relationship with the Lord
A fun bridal shower
Watching Micah grow+getting cute pics of him :)
Getting into a [pretty] regular school schedule

This was a review :/
(I know it's in December shhhh!) I have now finished 4 chapters of my school xD

Yup yup 

They dressed up as bull riders as we were shopping in race brothers, such cuties! 

I'm really thankful for the times where I can rock Micah AND get my school done! I love him to death! 


I started a bucket list book! It's coming along good!
(One bucket list goal, is to delivery a baby, and another is to go to Africa one day =D )

We sold jazz! I'm now riding cochise,and so far he is doing really good! :)

Y'all. Blogging can get hard. For the past month I've been looking at all these pictures with ideas for a post, but then get so busy. This month has definitely been super busy! These last few days have been hard, first is people coming, then apt.s, and soo many things to do I don't even know what to do! (Don't worry, I'm leading up to the point. )
It has still been awesome. And I have come to think, that that's all that matters! If we don't have time to blog, it'll have to wait then.  Make the best of your lives right now, because, even if it doesn't seem like it right now, these moments will soon be over. 
Tip : when you feel overwhelmed at the chaoticness of life, look up the song, "You're gonna miss this"
Best. County. Song. Ever =)


things to be thankful for

Our cozy fire place🔥

Snuggles with these two cuties 

Her adorable million-dollar smile all while she was riding Dulley, our new horse 

A beautiful day for riding + being able to ride

THIS YUMMY -LISHOUS, BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM cause the world wouldbe pretty awful without it :)

Beautiful weather earlier this month. This was in Joplin tho, but yes, I was raving about how beautiful the iced trees were! 

His huge smiles 😁

This precious little sister 💗

Finishing all the orders for hats! There was 7 total! 


why I adore the colors of the sky || SUNSET

Whenever people ask me what my favorite colors are, I always just tell them, the colors of the sky. Yes, I love aqua, but I also love pink, yellow, bright orange, I have always loved sunset and sunrise. I'm a very, "in the moment"kind of person.
"Live for the moment, everything else is uncertain." The sun never fails to rise. That's why I love it. The best things in life are not things, they are moments.
Annndd... I think that sums it up right the folks! 

I'm so incredibly blessed with this wonderful,enthusiastic, hard working Mother! Although she is a stay at home Mom, she really does a lot, and never gives up! That's one thing I've always really admired about her! <333



Me and mom went up to Nebraska for a friend's wedding, and to see family! It was a blast! It was so awesome getting to see old best friends, and everyone in between!
I didn't have an appetite almost the whole time. I finally got it back on our way home! I think I couldn't eat mostly because I missed everyone at home so much! It happened at the Texas camp too, I couldn't barely eat much. But other than that it was all awesome!
Nebraska was where I grew up, well, almost all of us really! I've always loved NE, so it was awesome getting to see it again!
The last day of our stay in NE, we got to go see my cousins basket ball game! It was fun watching him play, he was awesome! (Of course 😉) Too bad that we only got to see each other for maybe 5 seconds before the game started. :((

It was wonderful getting to see our grandmas! Love them so much!!

Cameron (my cousin) was #8
Best of his team! (And I'm not just saying that! )

The wedding was beautiful! ❤💐💒

We had the greatest time ever watching planes come and land on our  way back home! They went right above our heads! 😃😃✈✈

I'm so thankful for this wonderful Mom! 
Funny fact :whenever mom puts a pic of me and her on Facebook, it always tags me as her! We look SO alike!!!!

                                               Do you think we look alike?
              Have you ever been to Nebraska or Missouri? 

Listen >|< my word for 2017 [+plus giveaway update]

>My word for 2017<

Give ones attention to sound
Synonyms - hear, pay attention, be attentive. 

I've spent so much time thinking about this, praying, and trying to find a really meaningful word for 2017. I wanted a word that I could really try to be better at. 
Listen.  Something that I'll admit I'm not good at. A major weakness I have is following instructions. I get distracted just like that and pretty much forget whatever I was told. I'm determined to get better at listening to people. (Yes, I'm much more of a talker! )
So, for this year, my word is Listen.
Giveaway update: I'm at 12 followers, I really need 8 more or else I'm not gonna be sure what to do! I guess if I don't get to 20, than I'll just pick out of my current followers. Come on guys! I know that there's 8 other people I follow that could follow me back! Make sure to tell anyone that you're friends with about this giveaway, share in Google plus, anything!!
And thank you to all who already have! <3


2017 fun!

Sense we don't celebrate Christmas, we get some presents on new years day! Today has been such a blast! (Also very peaceful cause everyone is playing with their stuff!)
Before I post all these pictures of us, I first want to give a HUGE thanks to my awesome Dad and Mom! They are the best, and I don't know what I'd do without them! Love you both so much! 💗

I got a oyster and an elephant shaped necklace! Me and mom shucked the oyster, and found a dark blue pearl in it! It was so awesome!

Everyone loved what they got!

And if you haven't seen my giveaway, go a couple posts back and check it out! 😀

December wrap up/highlights -ya'll or y'all- so emmbarising!

Hey y'all! I have finally come to the realization that ya'll is actually spelled y'all. This is so emmbarising! I didn't even know there was a right way to spell it! Oh well, it's in the past now! Y'all it is!
 So now it's time for my wrap up and highlights post! I didn't complete very many goals, but more on that in a minute!
Meeting new friends 
The first snow (and only snow)
Selling messy bun hats
Pizza parties with ice cream to follow🍕🍧=😊
sweet  [real] smiles from Micah
Mom reading from Gladys Alward in the morning
The Cassville Parade (THIS WAS SO AWESOME!)
Dylan's birthday party
Getting to see old friends 

And now the goals...
Complete my giveaway project-✅
Start school-
Bake bread and bring to a neighbor-   we didn't exactly have any wheat to grind into flour to make bread so... this one doesn't count. 😕
Eat candy-haha, yep! 
Learn stuff -well, I had to of learned something this month! (I,uh, just forgot what it was)
Take Micah's one month pictures- I did, now I just need to post them 👍
Get real pics of the snow-✅❄❄
Finish the new testament-✅
Buy peppermint chocolate-this didn't get to happen😭
(I haven't came up with new goals yet😕)

Goodbye 2016
Hello 201