Heyaa! It's been a little while since I've done something about Project Love. So today I'm trying to put together something..and we can discuss anything about love that ya want to!
A few ways to love a little more 💙💙
- Do something a little out of the norm..make EFFORT. {blessing bags (ask me;)) gifts to give, baked goods}
- Be a friend, a role model to a girl (or person) younger then you. It's easy to encourage people, but try to show them they're important and you really care about them. With younger people it's harder for me, cause y know, they don't know the stuff I know, or have common interests...BUT, they're still just as important as your best friend. ;)
- I've been discovering social media is amazing for reaching out to people. I love going back and forth with people on prayer requests. If you do have an email or Pinterest account, start trying to reach out to more people. Go out of your comfort zone and message someone that you don't exactly know. Just..don't make yourself sound like a freak or ask to many questions! :|
People that I've noticed be a super love-human\\
>Tiffany-a wonderful woman from our church telling me she kept thinking about me, while I am taking care of all of the children. She gave me her # for if I needed dinner ideas. She's amazing <3 <3
>Hannah Hobbs-This girl has been so sweet and making me feel so important. Idk, just the way she shares little and big things about her life, or just emails me out of the blue. Even tho we're 10 years apart she still, ya know, tells me about stuff, and IDK SHE'S JUST SWEET K? (I love ya girl! 💙)
>And every other person who's names aren't coming to my mind...:p
A few ways I've showed love\\
>I made a Pinterest board for my friend who's Mom has cancer. The board is to give Amy and her Mom a little boost of faith and remember that me and Dev are here for them..if you could please pray for her, her name is Laura. <3
>Talking to a boy (his eye was messed up so the children were staring and not very many people were talking to him), we talked about the piano and he got a big smile on his face and looked happier after we talked. He was so nice with such a sweet personality.
>I'm working on my relationship with my siblings. gotta love 'em! XDD
MAKE REACHING OUT A HABIT\\ {thro God's grace I've come to make a habit of this and it is such a blessing}
love MORE\\
Tips...anything ya wanna discuss...ways you've showed love???
Let's all strive to be SUPER LOVE-HUMANS!!! 💛💛
iowa...*heart eyes* |