
giveaway + first day of fall sale

can i confess something?? 
i'm terrible at blogging. i forgot my blog's birthday, and my crochet blogs birthday. it took me like a month to even post about it..
my little crochet blog is sad and lonely. so it's having a giveaway!!! *cue cheers*

the giveaway was/is for my crochet blogs 1st bday, but like i said, i posted that a month late. sooo i'm expanding my giveaway ending date to make sure y'all get a chance to enter. ;) cause yalls are awesome!! xD
head on right over  here to enter the giveaway. <33

i'm also having a first day of fall sale, if that might be of interest to yall. take a look at the stuff i have on there to see more!! <33

anywayyys i know this was quick and short, but there's lots to be done bc we're going on vacation in like one day. so yup, byeeee!!! have a great week!!! <33


fuzzy sweater || autumn goals

^I think I could live in this sweater forever ^

Heeloooo my peeps!!!! I hope this first day of autumn finds y'all doing fantabulous. In honor of the first day of fall, I'm gonna be sharing my autumn goals with you wonderful people. And I'm thinking about doing a special sale on my crochet blog hopefully later today. So make sure to check that out, and let's get on with it!!! 

  1. Do a cornmaze + take pics of a pumpkin patch
  2. Drink more pumpkin flavored stuff
  3. Actually WEAR my cute boots ^. ^
  4. Hoopeefully do a fall party again
  5. Crochet a set of slippers, gloves and hat
  6. Take pictures of everything xD
  7. Make memories
 Annd I'll probably add on to that..like always xD
Autumn is my absolute favorite season ever and this year I really want to take more autumny pictures xD it's the loveliest time of the year and usually I'm so wrapped up in it all that I forget to take very many pics..but that's okay. 
I absolutely loveeee my new pink fuzzy sweater and I just don't ever wanna take it off. Ever felt like that? 

What's 3 things you'd like to do this fall? Ever done a cornmaze?

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF FALL!!!!!!!!!! *contented sigh*


portraits | lilliana

{spontaneous photo shoot with my gorgeous sister, cause we were bored. p.s. her hair isn't naturally curly, but she's the prettiest little thing that ever did live.}



1 out of every 5 African children dies before his or her fifth birthday—the highest mortality rate of any region in the world.     www.africare.org   Photo Credit: Adam Finck

Pilgrim Helps

Next Generation by MichaelCook87 on Flickr.  Uganda  this touches my heart


i want to comfort
every child, who has
seen things that
can't be forgotten.
kiss their foreheads and erase
the memories that 
might haunt them.
the world's so big
and i'm only one person.
how do i tell them
they have a Father who
loves them, when they
don't even know what love is.

i can't reach them all,
maybe i could help one.
love one.
and maybe you could help one.
and love one.
maybe togther
we could make a difference.
let's do for one what
we wish we could do 
for all. 



monthly goals + hello september tag

My september goals:
  • finish reading Isa + Zec
  • blog consistently
  • start the 4th suzuki book
  • practice flute mayybeee
  • 'officially' start school + get school pics
  • organize my books
  • get a real good tan
  • figure out about hunting
  • write letters + crochet a lot more
  • keep on a baking ;)
  • finish the scrapbooks i have

woosh that was kinda a lot..but i had written out even more in my journal..so yeah. xD imma gonna do a blog tag that one of my friends started, hope yall like it!

How to participate:
Please copy these questions (below), answer them, and then write out new questions (or just copy these) for the people you nominate below your answered questions. Please nominate at least 3 bloggers, but try to avoid ones that you know have already been nominated. Lastly, include these guidelines in your post, and use the tag picture!

Windy or rainy autumn?

Do you like chai tea?

Tea or coffee?

If you could go to one state in the U.S.A. just for autumn scenery, where would you go?
Maine or PA

Do you like any kind of soup in the autumn? What's one of your favorites?
chicken noddle soup :D

What color of leaves do you like best?

If you could go to another country just for autumn scenery, where would you go?
ummm australia?? lol i have no clue really but australia would be awesome i'm sure xD

Sweater or hoodie?

A hazelnut or apple cinnamon candle?
apple cinnamon

Cookies or brownies?
now ya just gotta answer the same questions:

Windy or rainy autumn?

Do you like chai tea?

Tea or coffee?

If you could go to one state in the U.S.A. just for autumn scenery, where would you go?

Do you like any kind of soup in the autumn? What's one of your favorites?

What color of leaves do you like best?

If you could go to another country just for autumn scenery, where would you go?

Sweater or hoodie?

A hazelnut or apple cinnamon candle?

Cookies or brownies?

The relentless day dreamer | hannah

south love | sophy

little bit of sunshine | maddie

country wildflower | ashley

i dub y'all tagged!! < not sure if that made sense..hehe oh well :P

i hope all of you have the most amazing september!!!! <33



a new purse from ross! xD

theodore, 10 months difference <333

Grady Steven <333

my lil bread baking helper 

he got a drone xD

^^leftovers from august^^

7-10-15 means that i've officially been blogging for 3 years <33 and i'm looking forward to the next 3!!!