
life right now

at the rusted fence in aurora

heyy peeps! so we finally got a new computer which means blogposting will be sooo much easier!! now if our stupid internet will just cooperate. ;D 
i've been busy. with every month that passes it seems i get busier and busier. but i don't mind it.. except for the school part of busy! 
there's so many amazing things that i'm looking forward to. 4 months until i get my license (wish i could get it righttt nooowww) and then Lord willing I'll be starting midwifery assistance!! and this jan or feb i'm going skiing for the first time, so if any of yall have ever skied pleasee give me your advice!! and i was asked to take pictures for The Rusted Fence Ranch's website that will start up again in April! i've been trying to get my old horse fattened up before winter, and been working on our other horse that is supremely lazy. i need to get me some spurs if i'm gonna get much out of her 😂 
october is proving to be an amazing month with so many great memories already made. <33


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Busy isn't bad. I've never been skiing, but I've heard it is super fun and super dangerous.

  2. That's awesome! I hope we both start blogging more again!

  3. That's cool! I hope we both start blogging again. :P
    -Amy Lane

  4. Heyy! Skiing is superrr fun! And the only advice I can think of is to not be timid about going down steeper hills. Like my older sister stayed on the same hill the whole time we were there and she’s really sad she did.

    Proud of you for getting nominated to take pictures at that place! That’s pretty cool! Haha.


  5. Sounds like some fun exciting things are coming up for you! That's awesome. ^__^

  6. Sounds busy and fun!
    You're pictures are a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!!!!!

  7. Wow, it really does sound like you're in a busy season ;) And getting your license and going skiing are both super exciting events. I've never been skiing though, so I come empty-handed of advice, but do let us all know how it goes! :)

