
What I've crocheted \\ Crochet shop coming.... sometime-hopefully!!!

Okay, so I'm planing on opening my crochet shop sometime this year! I really hope that it will actually happen, cause I've been looking for ways to make money. :) (cause who doesn't do that???) Soo, I thought I'd share everything I've crocheted, and make a list of everything I think I should crochet for a shop! (because I loveee lists! ) I would love YOUR thoughts on what you think would sell good, and what wouldn't, also any tips or advice would be taken very appreciated!
Elephant boots that I made for
A set I made, baby booties, a headband, and a blanket.

An ice-pop cozy, cause who wants their hands to freeze while eating an ice-pop??

Baskets, I'm making a 3rd basket the same color(s) as the first one, but it will be smaller than the gray basket, to make it a set. :)

A scarf I made last year

Messy bun hat, and I've made so many more, all different colors!

Table runner

A pair of wrist warmers, and a headband/ear warmer.

A delectable little donut!!

A headband, that works easier for a covering.

And another headband, this one is my favorite!!
I will post more of what I make later on! And now for the list...

>>baby jackets/sweaters
>>a shirt size women small, or a cardigan
>>fingerless mittens (I know it's spring, but I still wanna make 'em)
>>socks :)
>>wall hanging decor-this is the one I'm working on-HERE
>>basket weave pillow or snowflake pillow
>>more sets of stuff
>>baby boy hat or cap
.....and I'll probably think of a lot more by my next crochet post!!
Also, I've also made a purse/bag thingy and a jar/mug/cup cozy but wasn't able to get a pic of them, so I'll post them in my next crochet post!! :)


  1. I love that scarf. And like all this stuff :D ooh you make cardigans? cool :)


    1. Oh good!!
      Haha, I'm trying to! :l It's on my bucket list for 2017! xD

  2. You've made some really nice things! How long have you been crotcheting for?

    I hope the shop endeavour goes well for you! Were you thinking of beginning an online shop? My family and I have been selling knitted children's beanies for a few years now, and we sell them in a local shop (and they sell really well!). Maybe there'd be opportunity for that in your area too!

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about it all anyway! Keep up the good work! :)

    1. Thank you so much!! <33 I've known how to make a chain since I was really little, but then started really getting into it around years ago! I love it! (most of the time) :l
      Thanks! Yes, I was. That is so neat! Maybe! :)
      Thanks, Jessica! <33

  3. Rosalyn6:27 AM

    Oh love all the items! Love your baby items! I make loads of booties and hats! I hope you get to do the shop. I've been wanting to do it for a while. I have bags of things I've made! And what use are they sitting around in my room! :) You could try to make some coasters ... those are pretty simple to make. Sometimes I just make granny squares in different colours. :) And also phone cases--here's a link to some simple ones: http://crochetdreamz.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/mobile-phone-cozy-or-case-crochet.html#.Uedse421EWc
    Looking forward to the next post!

    1. Thanks! Haha, yeah, me too! I have crocheted loads of things too! :) I have actually made coasters, in the shape of a mug. It's really cute! I really enjoy making them, but haven't made very many yet. Haha, I lovveeee granny squares, they're so easy!!!

    2. Rosalyn11:51 PM

      Oh I've seen those! Are they from Repeat Crafter Me?
      Oh yes they are! :)

    3. Yeah, not sure what website the patterns on.

  4. Beautiful crocheted items! And I love the picture of you with the scarf on😊

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Beautiful, Paige!!! I was an avid knitter for quite a few years when I was around age 12. I made several sweaters, socks, scarfs, dolls, headbands, and lots of other misc. things. It's such a fun hobby!! Your work is SO gorgeous. Like, no joke. :D You are very talented!! My favorite is the wrist warmers/ear warmers/and headband. Crocheting is way fun!! I never was quite as good at it as I was with knitting, but I did make some rockin' cool dolls (if you don't have this book, you NEED to check it out: https://www.amazon.com/My-Crochet-Doll-Fabulous-Accessories-ebook/dp/B00IV4HA0A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491610886&sr=8-1&keywords=my+crochet+doll+book)
    Keep up the amazing work! You are very inspiring. <3 Congrats on your shop too! I'll have to pop over and get something. :D

    lavender & blue

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      OHMYGOSH those elephant booties <3 <3 <3 LOVE

    2. THANK YOU!!! That is so sweet of you to say!!
      That's so cool that you knit!! I'll check out that book here soon! :)
      Thanks! That is soo meaningful to me! thank you so much! <<333
      I don't have a shop yet, but really want to sometime this year!!! :)

      Haha, sometimes I still can't believe that I crocheted those!!! :O They sure are reallllyyyy adorbs! XD XD XD

  6. {heart eyes} i LOVE the donut

  7. I think all of these would sell SUPERFAST and I loved them all!!!!!!!! You did an amazing job with these, Paige!! =D
    Jaidyn Elise

    1. Really?! Wow, thank you so much!!! 💚💚💚

    2. Yeah, really! And I'm not just saying that because I'm your friend- it's true!!
      Your really welcome!=D
      Jaidyn Elise

    3. Wow, THANK YOU SO MUCH! 💚💗💚

  8. BTW, YOU ARE SO PRETTY IN THAT PICTURE WITH THE SCARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDD <333333333
    Jaidyn Elise

    1. OMW YOUR THE SWEETEST! thanks girl! <333

      Your totally welcome!! ;)
      Jaidyn Elise

  9. Beautiful work! :) You have made some many fun things. I hope you get to make more on your list soon.

    1. Thanks so much! Yeah, I've been working on them! ;)
