He's growing wayyy too fast! I can't believe he's SEVEN MONTHS!! ahehaha! |
Lilli's happy place- she's a mini Ash in every way!! |
hehe, not sure exactly where to start- but I prob will never be with these wrap up posts! xp
So May was like busy, but relaxing, but not relaxing...
ok, not sure where I'm headed with this. :0
The start was just like, nice and a fun busy, but the last couple days here have been horrid! (well, mostly) Micah has been sick and miserable so he is crying nearly all the time. We'll get through it tho, it'll just be hard for a little while. :|
May was actually really, really hard for me. It always is. More on that in another post tho...
I'm going to post the few pics from camp and such. But for thus wrap up I'll put random stuff, no order, so y'all can see what my month looked like! (kinda :/ )
- Me: Ok just finish your addition and you'll be done for today! -Elias: This is addition? I thought it was math!!
- My bros ate a frog! lol :p
- Playing baseball, Swedish baseball, volleyball, A TON!!! we played at least 6 games of volley ball! #awesomness ;D
- Dylan finishing school and graduating in June!!
- Elias: Hey, on Dylan's party we should all yell "Happy 17th graduation!" -Everyone: *burst out laughing*
- going on walks with Mom
- Storms at one o'clock. (I love storms but I hate storms. Cause we ave to wake the baby up, and then he's hard. :l)
- Me and Ashley searching through the woods at night looking for Indians (in OK) to later find out it was a house of Mexicans 😂😂 (more on that in my camp post! )
- A guy making a deal with me that if I taught his daughter how to ride a horse he'd buy me ice cream! #winwin
- When Micah talks to a blue wall for nearly 5 minutes....
- Eating strawberry Ice Cream and thinkin' of my bbf X)
- Ashley popping her fingers, then me popping my fingers and laughing before we go to bed =pp #sisters #onlyus
- planting in our garden, ayayyy!
- A healthy shake that tastes like brownie batter for breakfast <33
- rollerskating then going to Braums for ice cream and hanging out with Jared, Ash, and David, then just talking with Ash and Dave for-ev-errr in the parking lot.... :)
- Micah going CRAZY whenever he sees a map, and srsly trying to eat it..I have no clue what his deal is!!! :o
- making homemade raspberry pie, with our wild raspberries!! xD
- getting 2 chapters of school DONE!!! WOOT WOOT!!
- FINISHING EVERY GOAL I MADE... I crocheted 16 things I think!!! XDD
- Planning stuff with Ashley that will hopefully be happening soon!!! xD
- not being able to see Dev ='(
- Going crazy and taking over 40 pictures of raindrops..#me ;D
- Playing volleyball with the 'big kids' - and completely stinking. I donno what was up with my serving, but it was always out of bound and so were my hits.
May was pretty quick, which was nice! And i can't believe that it's just 2 weeks until we leave for NE!! *cue the screaming*
>June Goals<
crochet 20 things :| (I really need to get on top of it, the deadline for my shop is Aug 21st)
finish at least 1 chapter of school
explode in Christ's love
See ya May..
Hey there JUNE!!!
Plus, I just realized they pandas don't have eyebrows.....😮😮