
girl, read your Bible.

Y'all this is so important. There's so many different opinions and false doctrine out there, if we don't know who Jesus is and what the Bible says, we'll be decieved faster then you think. The Bible says that if we add onto or take away from the gospel that our name will be taken out of the book of Life! That's serious, and that's why we have to be confident in His word yet humble. We live in a scary, hard, confusing, dangerous world, but Jesus promises to protect us if we follow Him. History is repeating itself. Not exactly the same but you can still see it.. Abortion is like the Holocaust, etc and I am scared it will only get worse. Satan is powerful and usually comes as something pleasing and attractive looking, he is the master of deception which is why we must root ourselves in Christ.
So girls (and guys!!!) Read your Bible!!
Comment any prayer request y'all have! We as Christians need to be here for each other to build each other up.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I think this is such a great post. There is an insane amount of false doctrine in our world- especially right now- and reading the bible for yourself is the best and only way to get the truth.
    Thanks for this encouragement!!

    Sophy of sophyslighthouse.blogspot.com

  2. So true Paige!! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ“–πŸ“–

  3. Duuuuude I JUST saw this quote on Pinterest!! So awesome; great post! :D

  4. Preach it, sister! This is so true though. Thanks for the reminder! xx

  5. Thank you! You are so right!
    Please pray for my parents for healing.

  6. Very well said! <3 <3 <3

  7. i try but i'm still on week 3 in my bible plan . :(

  8. and prayers fpr healing would be nice

  9. This is a great reminder! <3

  10. Anonymous3:19 PM

    You are so spot on thanks for the good wordπŸ™
