
A baby girl named Esther || M I R A C L E


this is Esther. Read this for more information on her story.

as soon as i saw her picture and story the Lord laid a huge burden on my heart to pray for this sweet baby. I sent her picture to lots and lots of people who started praying for her, and got my siblings praying for her.

I wanted to share how heavily that impacted all of my siblings. Having be a part of something for the Lord, all of them were so passionate. It was truly amazing, seeing all of them fervently praying for her with all their hearts. <3
To this day Rylan and Caden and Lilli constantly talk about her and pray that, "Lord please fix her brain and help her to get better and have lots of food, Amen!", it's a simple prayer, but God is hearing us!
That day I could just feel God so close. I fasted all day. So many people were praying for her, that I could feel God's presence.
From just our family already hundreds of prayers have been prayed for her. Not to mention lots of other people praying for her.

I'm beyond thrilled to say, that the Lord healed her!! She went to the neuro(something) and the exams results came back amazing! Seeing NO EVIDENCE  of a brain bleed!!!! God did the impossible.  Thank you, all of you who prayed with me!! God is so good, I almost cried when I heard that she has been healed, Praise the Lord!!

That night, I told the whole family and we all gave thanks to God!! When I told the little ones (Rylan 5, and Caden 7, specifically) started jumping saying "We did it!", Mom and I turned around and told them GOD did  it!!

We all talk about her all. the. time.  She is so precious to us, even though we've never met her. 
Thank you so much, those of you who faithfully prayed for her!!! 



  1. Wow, that's so exciting! Praise God!!

  2. That is so awesome that her brain healed. She looks so cute!!

    1. Isn't it? She is the most adorable <333

  3. I READ THE POST AND I TOLD ALL MY FAMILY AND I AM SO HAPPY AND GOD IS SO GOOD. It's nice when you see that God answers someone else's prayer, or does something good, but when you pray hard for something you really want, and God answers it in a definite and obvious way, it's soooo special. <333
    ISN'T ESTHER ADORABLE???? I love her!!!!

    1. YESSSSS!!!! were you as ecstatic as I was??! I was so tearing up bc of how happy I was, God is SO Great!!!
      EXACTLY. yup, so amazing!
      I LOVE HER TOO MUCH! I just can't wait to see what else God might do (*smiles*), if He wills. This life is exciting isn't it? <333

    2. IT WAS AWESOME. I had actually seen your post before I saw Mrs. Saunders and I noticed your post had Esther in the title. I was like "WAITWAITWAIT did Mrs. Saunders post?!" So I went to see, and I saw the post about Esther!!!! <333 It was great.
      I knowww (I wonder if the Saunders will adopt her?? Wouldn't that be cool?!). It IS exciting!! So thankful we can do it together (even though it's only virtual =)).

    3. Yeah! ;)
      Yes, actually we're praying about adopting her <33 Maybe..if it's the Lord's will we can! Totally unsure bc that's CRAZY for our family/situation, but hey, God can do anything ;D
      Yess, BUT we could totally meet each other girl. ;D XDD

  4. I began praying for her right when I found out and I got my whole church family praying for her too. I PRAISE THE LORD that she has been miraculously healed!!!

    - Maddy | littlebitofsunshineweb.blogspot.com

    1. That is so wonderful, Maddy! Praise Jesus!!!

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    That is soooo awesome!! God is an awesome God!! Yep, he healed her!! Loveee this post!! Thanks, Paige!

  6. That's so amazing! And we serve such an amazing God of the impossible! :)
