
Homeschooling || 7 reasons why it's AWESOME.

k first of all LILLIANA IS THE CUTEST. They've all been pumped about learning colors and shapes and such! So cute <33

And here are 7 reasons why HOMESCHOOLING IS AWESOME. XDDD

  • SO MUCH MORE TIME- Have you seen how many people have to quit public school to make time for things?? It's CRAZY! Talk about 'Homeschoolers not having a life' EXCUSE ME I'm not stuck in a classroom for 6+ hours. I can be done with everything and still be able to do so much more! homeschooling is the way to go. 
  • No bullying and always a friend there- Pretty sure that explains the just of it right there. ;D
  • MORE RECREATION- I haven't heard of very many kids that go to public school who have the time/whatever to ride a horse for hours, climb trees every day, four-wheeling and mudding, explore every centimeter of a forest, or play kickball and bond with their family. Mom and I were talking and she said something super weird to think about...If all of us (me down to Rylan or Lilli) went to public school, we wouldn't even know each other! No wonder all these people in the school system cherish every second of summer, sheesh! =O
  • Relaxing is much more possible- Is it just me or does it seem like you have the ability to relax more as a homeschooler?? I love being able to just sorta, not have to worry. About grades, and all that jazz bc while some is important, it's also important to enjoy this life that God has given you. <3
  • Better environment- No one can deny that being a Christian in public school is difficult. While I do think that you can be an amazing testimony towards people in your school, it's tough being around people your age, that will most likely talk about inappropriate things, (or even DO inappropriate things) or swearing, etc etc. Recently we were at a park and I guess there was some sort of race thing for these kids in public schools. A bus of boys and girls unloaded that were all around ages 13-15, and it was awful just what I was hearing there. So, I think y'all get the picture.
  • A narrow path- This connects with the previous reason, but I feel that a person is much more likely to follow worldly things rather then Godly things in the school system. Being brought up in that, year after year, I'm assuming would be very hard. I don't know completely tho, what do you think?
  • Security/confidence- Let's face it, the only way to be 'popular' in public schools is to either be something bad/mean/bully, or something your not. So many kids/teens have insecurities, when they wouldn't if they were homeschooled! The depression of weight, not having good looks, stuttering etc. And many of the bullies in school struggle because of their own insecurities!! Awful right? I've heard so much, It would be so hard for me to be in public school, I know that for sure. 
Your opinion?? Why do YOU like homeschool??


  1. I LOVE being home schooled!

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Homeschool, definitely! About Reason 5 though, I had a very similar experience except with HOMESCHOOL kids...!!! We were at a tour and there was this homeschool group there. "Wonderful!! We're homeschoolers too" Right? But the language they used, their attitudes, behavior... I was shocked... Christ really makes the difference!!! ~Mary

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Oh woooowww Paige!
    You covered every little detail why it's awesome!!! I agree with every single reason! I would never want to go to public school or private school! I LOVE homeschooling! For one thing: it really doesn't matter what time you get up! Not saying I get up late, but maybe every once in a while! When you have to go to school....your being rushed out of the house, maybe not even doing Bible or prayer time with God, and being in a class room allll day long (except for lunch or PE) and then coming home and doing home work, which you did in school already! NO THNKYOU! When you homeschool, you have time to do everything: play outside (which makes you get behind in school lol), do school outside, eat breakfast/lunch anytime you want, and finish school anytime you want and do the rest in the summer lol!!!! No, I really TRY my hardest to get it all done, but when you live in the country and are surrounded by God's beauty, it is HARDDDD! Ok, Got to go finish school!
    Greattttttttttt post Paige! You got it down why homeschooling is awesomeee! And not making friends if you homeschool?? BIGGGG FAT LIE that people believe/tell you. I can name at least 10 people I know that I have met through homeschooling and have become really good friends with! One of them is Paige who I am getting to know a lot better!!! Actually I know more than 10!
    Okay, this is realllly long! Sorry, I am like posting a post on your blog lol! SORRY!

  4. Hey we have that math book. It's a pretty cool book ;)
    Love this post and totally agree with it!

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That was awesome! Lately I haven't enjoyed being home schooled. With my brothers both moving out (one moved out a while ago)I'm the last one and it's kind of lonely. But this post REALLY helps. Also I went to public school for a short time and hardly saw my family! It's way better in that aspect. It gives you way more time to do things. ~Riley

  6. Awesome, Paige! This was a really impressive perspective. Homeschooling, hands down, is the best. <3

  7. These are all great reasons to homeschool / be homeschooled! I'm glad that you are so happy with where you are at. :) I enjoyed being homeschooled and am blessed to have gained a firm foundation before entering the workforce in the world.
    By the way, Lilliana looks so grown-up with her bun!

  8. I love being homeschooled! It is the best. Also I that like most homeschooled kids tend to play with older or younger kids. While on the other hand, public schooled kid tend to stick more with their grade level. If I was public schooled my siblings wouldn't be my BEST friends. Thanks for the awesome post!

  9. Well said, Paige!
    I know what you mean about kids being so vulgar nowadays. I went with Mom to take my nieces and nephew swimming at a lake. Just listening to what some of the kids there were talking about was absolutely appalling! :0 Yes, yes, yes! I was homeschooled and I'm so glad I was!
