
What I'm learning/learned & books I read this month

apparently he's not that photogenic..

..bookeroos that i read..

-Shore Road Mystery (yes i still read Hardy Boys xD)
-The winds of Autumn
-The Bluebird + the Sparrow
-Miracles and Moments of Grace

..stuffies that i learned..
Crazy as it may sound..I've been learning a lot about Tourettes Syndrome. ikr, whoa!! How'd I get into that you ask? Well, Jamie Grace had Tourette Syndrome and she overcame it, but she has many videos on it and it has been such an interesting thing to learn about. Really sad, but, these people can either overcome it, or learn to live with it. 
I learned how to make/fry chicken tenders. 
I've been learning so much about people with disabilities, and how we can be so diverse, and have so much in common. <3 To me, everybody, no matter how different is important. 
and so much more, but i can't remember at the moment. :| 

[WARNING] be prepared. I have many more drafts that I'm hoping to finish by the end of Nov, posts shall be flowing. :) 


  1. I've been loving your regular posts, Paige! Sounds like you've been up to some great fun stuff!

    1. Aw, that makes me so glad! I certainly have :D

  2. Ah, I've been learning more about people with disabilities too! It is really good. You should check out 'Special Books by Special Kids' youtube channel - it's interviews with people who have special needs, and I find it fascinating! :)

    1. Yes, I saw it on your blog and subscribed, IT'S AMAZING!!! And so so sweet!! <3 It has been really helping me learn about it, sometimes I can't stop watching. It's so sweet!
